Rotary Club meeting and conference supplies, gifts for visitors and speakers, custom trading banners and special occasion items.
Rotary International Official Licensee 08-4A832. Rotarian owned and operated Canadian distributor for The Russell-Hampton Co. serving Canadian Rotary Clubs from coast to coast since 2005. Your best source for quality, service and value.
"CRS Marketing went out of their way to arrange shipping of our Rotary District 5060's district pins. They were able to get them manufactured and delivered within a weeks time. Thanks. We will recommend your service to all!"
Bill Jenkin
Rotary District 5060. Governor 2017-2018
"Thank you for your excellent service over the weekend in supplying us with the necessary Rotary New Member Kits which we required on Monday. This fits in with the caliber of service I and our club have received from your company over my 50 years in Rotary. As my time in Rotary slows down, I have recommended that our younger Club members continue to use you as the supplier for our Club."